Welcome to Villa Cresta! Home of the Cardinals

SnowflakeVirtual Snow Day Information Snowflake

Transfer Students K-5, Information Form

Interest link for 25/26 Kindergarten, PK 3, PK 4

24.25 Bus Stops

Absent note submission QR Code
QR Code
Attendance Tips

How to Create a Parent Account
Focus App Directions for Staff and Parents
Focus App Directions for Parents - Spanish

Parent view of Focus Portal for information
Quick Link to Parent Portal Sign in
How to view your student's report card

About Our School

Villa Cresta Elementary (VCE) is located in the central area of Baltimore County. The main street of Harford Road along with the fire department, police station, community organizations, churches, and schools create a picture of our VCE community. Villa Cresta Elementary is part of the Balitmore County Public School (BCPS) system and implements the county selected curriculum and follows policy/rules set by the BCPS Board of Education. Villa Cresta contains Early Childhood Three’s, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten , and grades 1-5. Additionally, Villa Cresta is a learning site for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in Baltimore County.

Villa Cresta is committed to preparing every child to be a responsible individual, community partner and world citizen. We encourage our students to exhibit responsibility, self-discipline and respect for diversity, in addition to resolving conflicts peacefully. We value vibrant community support and energetic parental involvement partnered with effective instruction. We balance our instructional practices to include technology, but not to have technology replace students learning through traditional methods. 

Blue Family.png

School Bell
Doors open at 8:30
Morning bell rings at 8:45
Dismissal bell rings at 3:30pm
2 hour delay arrival 10:30
1/2 day dismissal 12:30

  BCPS Technology Support

School Administrator Information:

Jenny Rohrbaugh, Principal
[email protected]

Kelly Lehto, Assistant Principal
[email protected]

Amy Malinowski, Assistant Principal
[email protected]