
How to start the registration process at Villa Cresta for your child:

Step 1:  Before you start the process, are we your zoned school?  In Baltimore County you must register at the school zone in which you live. You can use the link below or email questions to the address at the bottom of the page. 
Find your zone school

What do you need for registration?  Check out the link below from the BCPS website:
BCPS Registration Checklist

Interested in Prekindergarten 3's, Prekindergarten 4's, and Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year? Complete the link: 
Interest link for 25/26 PK 3, PK 4, Kindergarten

Transfer Student for the 24.25 school year.
Transfer Students K-5, Information Form

Information will  be collected on the form and an email with all of the registration documents will be sent to the email address given within 48 hours.

Shared Domicile and other types of Residency Information

Office of Pupil Personnel - Residency Liaisons:
Residency Site


Do you have questions about registration?  Email Jamie Vilcarino, the records secretary, at [email protected] or call the office.